Juvenile migration from paraguay to Argentina: Living conditions and duration of networks


  • Ana Miranda FLACSO Argentina
  • María Cristina Cravino Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento
  • Santiago Martí Garro FLACSO Argentina


Juvenile migration are central to the social and public agenda in Latin America. Its relevance is related to the extent that acquires mobility of young people and their family groups, especially in the countries of the Andean and Caribbean region. Juvenile migration are strongly intertwined with the social transformation processes that mark our days, such as globalization, the changing role of women and family groups, connectivity, reversibility, among others. Just as well, with more long-standing trends, as the reproduction of class inequalities, traditional patterns of gender and ethnic discrimination, which are embodied in the continuity of phenomena-labor integration, social-segment of young migrants in receiving societies. This article presents the first results of a research on the themes of youth and gender among youth involved/as in migration processes between Paraguay and Argentina. The study was conducted by a bi-national team, composed by the Vice-Ministry of Youth Paraguay and Youth Research Program at FLACSO Argentina, and received support and funding from UN Women.


juvenile, migration, gender

Author Biographies

Ana Miranda, FLACSO Argentina

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales de la FLACSO Argentina. Investigadora adjunta del Conicet y Coordinadora Académica del Programa de Investigaciones de Juventud de la FLACSO, sede argentina. E-Mail: amiranda@flacso.org.ar.

María Cristina Cravino, Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento

Doctora en Antropología y Magíster en Administración Pública. Investigadora docente de la Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento (UNGS). E-Mail: ccravino@ungs.edu.ar.

Santiago Martí Garro, FLACSO Argentina

Licenciado en Sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires y maestrando en Demografía Social de la Universidad Nacional de Luján. Forma parte del Programa de Juventud de la FLACSO. E-Mail: santiagomg@gmail.com