After conducting a case study with mixed methods on two shanty towns located in the city of Antofagasta, during 2016, and using the “territorial stigmatization” concept elaborated by Wacquant, Slater and Borges (2014), we are able to posit the existence of an early stage of territorial stigmatization process in the above mentioned shanty towns. It was concluded that both observed shanty towns are highly segregated neighbourhoods in terms of the inhabitants’ country of origin and socioeconomic level. At the same time, discriminatory attitudes and practices from certain public servants towards the inhabitants of these shanty towns were indirectly observed. Furthermore, the symbolic representation of shanty towns and migrants carried out by the main local newspaper, as well as the negative attitude of the local Antofagasta population towards the latter, allow to advance the thesis that a territorial stigmatization process is currently taking place in the aforementioned city. Nonetheless, and contrary to what theoretical framework used in this study proposes, moderate levels of victimization and perceived insecurity were found
Fredes García, D., & Quero Arancibia, M. (2021). An initial process of territorial stigmatization: Study case in two irregular settlements of Antofagasta city. Revista Némesis, 1(14), 157–179. Retrieved from