Political Representation in Indigenous Communities: A Comparative Study between the Raramuri Populations of Northern Mexico and the Chilean Mapuche


  • Julio Gerardo Quiroz Gómez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Cuajimalpa


The research that will be developed throughout this text will seek, through a theoretical comparison between the historical processes of the Raramuri indigenous communities in Mexico and the Mapuche communities settled in the Araucanía of Chile and, from the perspective of Niklas Luhmann's systems logic, to investigate the possible causes that sustain the differences and similarities in terms of the formation and use of different repertoires and forms of protest in relation to the issues of indigenous representation and political participation. In the background will be those protests that refer to the issue of cultural identity as a central element that gives shape to the constitution of the “indigenous subject” as a political actor. In this sense, the research will find out about the existence of a relationship between the choice of forms through which the protest is structured and the themes that give content to it. Thus, the research presented here revolves around the possible answers to the questions: What are the possible reasons that have led the Rarámuri and the Mapuche to take the path of respect for the human rights of the original cultures and peoples in order to achieve political representation and participation within the democratic state system?, and; What are the possible causes that encourage both indigenous groups to privilege certain forms through which to manifest their protest?


protest, raramuri, mapuche, political representation, political participation


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