Rethinking transition processes towards sustainable development models constitutes a challenge on a global scale with strong implications in local territories. In recent years in Argentina, particularly in the Province of Buenos Aires, the extractive or agribusiness-oriented agriculture model has been called into question, promoting the sanction of regulations aimed at regulating the use of agrochemicals, and land use planning. Taking the case of the Sustainable Rural Development Program (PDRS) created in 2013 in the Municipality of General Pueyrredon, Province of Buenos Aires, our purpose is to analyze how municipal public policies constitute a clear indicator of the ways in which the State is redefined. We seek to analyze how the construction, implementation and discontinuation of municipal public policies, such as the PDRS, contributes to define the characteristics of the municipal State model that each administration represents. We work with theoretical tools from the analysis of public policies such as the referential approach (Muller, 2005), the multiple streams approach (Kingdon, 1995) and the different orders changes to policy (Hall, 1993). We fundamentally analyze documentary and journalistic sources, as well as oral sources, product of interviews with key informants and observations in places of implementation of this policy.