Transparency has as an aim good government, allowing citizens to be informed about the governmental actions, accountability and reducing communication breach between political authorities, government employees and citizens. From 2001, the Corruption Perception Index diminished gradually, being necessary to improve transparency in public management, which originated to the 20.285 Law, referred to access to the public information and transparency. Nonetheless this law is applied to municipalities, a significant percentage of citizens perceive them as the most corrupt public institution. Therefore, this investigation analyzes the information published by municipalities as a consequence of the obligations established by 20,285 Law, regarding the period 2012-2016, concluding that the public policy of active transparency of municipalities is conditioned by political, bureaucratic, demographic and socioeconomic factors, being the most significant the number of periods that a mayor has been elected; the level of urbanism and development of the commune, the average age per commune; average schooling; and the poverty rate of the commune.
Kretschmer, J. (2018). Analysis of the public policy of active municipal transparency in Chile during 2012-2016. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 4(1), 99–119.