Labor law as a branch of the law and its new frontiers


  • Juan Raso Delgue Universidad de la República – Uruguay


This paper begins by analyzing the origin of Labor Law, as well its organizing principles, continuing with the analysis of its traditional object of regulation, that is, subordinate work specifically separated from independent work, for which there are different and clearly identifiable legislation. Then, it performs an analysis of the transit of the concept of subordination extracted from the Taylorist-Fordist model, to atypical employment, and the expansive reaction of Labor Law, with the consequent darkening of clear existing boundaries between work as the subject to typically labor regulation, and which is not. Finally, in the same vein, analyzes the new phenomenon of the virtual economy, which is characterized by building a relationship of dependency between suppliers of different services for administrators’ platforms and web applications that coordinate transaction between those suppliers and consumers. This paper discusses the nature of this relationship of dependency, wondering if this phenomenon configures a working relationship, and what scope it should have the protection of Labor Law in respect of that potentially labor relationship.


subordination, atypical labor, virtual economy, applications, virtual platforms, circles theory

Author Biography

Juan Raso Delgue, Universidad de la República – Uruguay

Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social de la Facultad de Derecho – Universidad de la República – Uruguay