Presence, Exercise, and Relevance of Women in Linguistics (Some Reflections on Women in the History of Linguistics, by Wendy Ayres-Bennett and Helena Sanson, Editors)



This note is the result of some reflections generated from reading the book Women in the History of Linguistics (Ayres-Bennett and Sanson, editors, Oxford University Press, 2020). Some of the most relevant aspects of this text, related to codifications and linguistic fieldwork, will be presented below in a thematic data format. The purpose is to chronologically account for various issues, namely: the history of women in linguistics, first as assistants often silenced by official historiography, and secondly, the contribution of women as producers, authors, and compilers of different textualizations in their coding phase, such as grammars, dictionaries, metalinguistic studies, among others. The goal is to present a panoramic document that provides a comprehensive overview of an absolutely necessary state of affairs in an era where the inclusion and recognition of the work of these women must be acknowledged and valued.


Linguistic historiography, Codifications, Women in linguistics, Standardization

Author Biography

Soledad Chávez Fajardo, Universidad de Chile

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Soledad Chávez Fajardo (, Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1025, Departamento de Lingüística.


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