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The Latin American Journal of Trade Policy (LAJTP) focusses on trade policy issues in Latin America from a multidisciplinary perspective. A particular aim of the journal is to reduce the gap between academia and policymakers. As such, the journal encourages paper submissions on topics related to trade policy formulation, implementation and evaluation; international trade agreements and their impact, including WTO issues and preferential trade agreements; Latin American regional integration processes; and, bilateral trade and investment relations both between Latin American countries and with overseas economies.
The journal is interested in publishing papers that draw policy relevant conclusions from academic research, that confront theoretical models with the Latin American experience and that use the specific regional experiences to develop new models. Particular consideration is given to empirical articles using quantitative, qualitative, or a mixed methods approach.
The Latin American Journal of Trade Policy (LAJTP) is indexed in the Latindex collection. This indexation reflects the effort and work that has been devoted to the creation of this journal and the consolidation of our line of work in trade policy.
Vol 2 N° 5 (2019): Latin American Journal of Trade Policy
This issue includes three sections. The first once "Articles: FLAUC Annual Meeting 2019" includes peer-reviewed papers submitted to FLAUC Annual Meeting 2019: "Transpacific Relations and Collaboration for Development" (This section will be included in the next issue). The second section "Articles" incorporates peer-reviewed articles received during the call for papers. Finally, the last section "Opinion: The Future of Trade Policy in Chile" collects points of view from academics, negotiators, members of civil society, and public interested in these issues. We hope this section will contribute to the informed debate on the development of Chilean trade policy.